Cookbook Recipes
Before getting started with these recipes, we recommend that you install the following libraries, using this command:
npm install axios uuid jsonwebtoken node-forge
Table of Contents
- Common constants and functions
- Consumer makes call without pre-authorization
- Consumer makes call with pre-authorization
- Provider is called without pre-authorization
- Provider is called with pre-authorization
- Provider is called without external authorization
Common constants and functions
All recipes make use of a number of constants and functions defined below. Some constants should be adapted by you, such as the location of your private key and certificate.
// requires
const jwt = require('jsonwebtoken');
const { v4: uuidv4 } = require('uuid');
const fs = require('fs');
const crypto = require('crypto');
const axios = require('axios');
const forge = require('node-forge');
// file paths
const privateKeyPath = process.env.HOME + '/.ssh/EU.EORI.NLFLEXTRANS.pem'; // NOTE: Example definition, adjust as needed
const certKeyPath = process.env.HOME + '/.ssh/EU.EORI.NLFLEXTRANS.crt'; // NOTE: Example definition, adjust as needed
// constants
const YOUR_CLIENT_EORI = "EU.EORI.NLFLEXTRANS"; // NOTE: Example definition, adjust as needed
const YOUR_SP_EORI = "EU.EORI.NLFLEXTRANS"; // NOTE: Example definition, adjust as needed
const ASSOC_EORI = "EU.EORI.NLDILSATTEST1"; // NOTE: Example definition, adjust as needed
const SP_EORI = "EU.EORI.NL809023854"; // NOTE: Example definition, adjust as needed
const AR_EORI = 'EU.EORI.NL000000004'; // NOTE: Example definition, adjust as needed
// credentials
const pemData = fs.readFileSync(privateKeyPath, 'utf8');
const publicKey = crypto.createPublicKey(pemData);
const certificateChainData = fs.readFileSync(certKeyPath, 'utf8');
// Split the certificate chain into individual certificates
const certificates = certificateChainData.match(/-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----[\s\S]+?-----END CERTIFICATE-----/g);
// Convert each certificate to DER format and then base64 encode it
const x5c = => {
return cert.replace(/-----\w+ CERTIFICATE-----/g, '').replace(/\s+/g, '');
let tokenList = {};
// URLs
const assocUrlRoot = ""; // NOTE: Example definition, adjust as needed
const tokenUrlAssoc = assocUrlRoot + "/connect/token";
const partiesUrlAssoc = assocUrlRoot + "/parties";
const trustedUrlAssoc = assocUrlRoot + "/trusted_list";
// const tokenArUrl = ""; // NOTE: Example definition, adjust as needed
// const delegationArUrl = ""; // NOTE: Example definition, adjust as needed
// create client assertion with default values
function createClientAssertion(token) {
return new URLSearchParams({
"grant_type": "client_credentials",
"scope": "iSHARE",
"client_id": YOUR_CLIENT_EORI,
"client_assertion_type": "urn:ietf:params:oauth:client-assertion-type:jwt-bearer",
"client_assertion": token
// sign JWT payload with default settings
function signJwt(payload) {
const header = {
alg: 'RS256',
typ: 'JWT',
x5c: x5c
return jwt.sign(payload, pemData, { algorithm: 'RS256', expiresIn: "30s", header: header });
// Check whether a jwt, split in parts, has been signed correctly (with the certificate in the x5c field in the header)
function verifySignature(parts) {
// Step 1: Extract the header
const header = JSON.parse(Buffer.from(parts[0].replace(/-/g, '+').replace(/_/g, '/'), 'base64').toString('utf8'));
// Step 2: Extract x5c from header
const x5c = header.x5c; // This is an array of Base64-encoded certificates
// Step 3: Convert the x5c certificate to PEM format
const cert = `-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n${x5c[0].match(/.{1,64}/g).join('\n')}\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----`;
// Step 4: Convert certificate to public key
const publicKey = crypto.createPublicKey(cert);
// Step 5: Create the signed text (header and payload, joined by a dot)
const signedText = parts[0] + '.' + parts[1];
// Step 6: Convert signature from base64url to base64
const signature = Buffer.from(parts[2].replace(/-/g, '+').replace(/_/g, '/'), 'base64');
// Step 7: Verify the signature using the public key
const isValid = crypto.verify(
'sha256', // Algorithm for RS256 is SHA-256
Buffer.from(signedText), // Data to verify (header and payload)
publicKey, // Public key
signature // Signature to verify
if (isValid) {
console.log("Signature OK")
} else {
throw new Error("Signature does not match");
// Call /token endpoint and return access_token
async function accessToken(eori, tokenUrl, yourEori) {
let payload = { "iss": yourEori, "sub": yourEori, "aud": eori, "jti": uuidv4() }
const token = signJwt(payload);
let response = await, createClientAssertion(token), { "accept": "application/json", "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" })
// Decode a base64 encoded JWT fragment (header or payload)
function decodeJWTFragment(fragment) {
// Replace URL-safe Base64 characters with standard Base64 characters
const base64 = fragment.replace(/-/g, '+').replace(/_/g, '/');
// Decode the Base64 string and parse it as a UTF-8 string
const jsonString = Buffer.from(base64, 'base64').toString('utf8');
// Parse and return the JSON object
return JSON.parse(jsonString);
// decode JWT with signature verification
function decodeJWT(token) {
// Split the JWT into its three parts: header, payload, and signature
const parts = token.split('.');
if (parts.length !== 3) {
throw new Error('Invalid JWT');
// Decode the Base64Url encoded payload (second part)
const header = decodeJWTFragment(parts[0]);
const payload = decodeJWTFragment(parts[1]);
return { header, payload };
// Lookup party in Association Register
async function lookupParty(eori, yourEori) {
let bearerToken = await accessToken(ASSOC_EORI, tokenUrlAssoc, yourEori);
const headersParties = {
"accept": "application/json",
"Authorization": "Bearer " + bearerToken
// association registry /parties
response = await axios.get(partiesUrlAssoc + '/' + eori, { headers: headersParties, params: {} })
let partyToken =;
const decodedPayload = decodeJWT(partyToken).payload;
let party = decodedPayload["party_info"];
return party;
// Take party object of Service Provider, and return object with arEori, tokenArUrl and delegationArUrl for
// matching authorization register in party object
function extractAuthRegisterFromParty(party) {
let ar = party["authregistery"][0];
let arEori = ar.authorizationRegistryID;
let arUrlRoot = ar.authorizationRegistryUrl;
let tokenArUrl = arUrlRoot + 'connect/token';
let delegationArUrl = arUrlRoot + 'delegation';
return {arEori, tokenArUrl, delegationArUrl}
// fetch delegation evidence based on delegation request
async function fetchDelegationEvidence(delegationArUrl, delegationRequest) {
const arHeaders = { "Content-Type": "application/json",
"Authorization": "Bearer " + bearerToken }
let body = JSON.stringify({"delegationRequest": delegationRequest})
// authorization registry /delegation
response = await, body, { headers: arHeaders });
// check if party is still adherent according to association register
function checkAdherence(adh) {
if (adh['status'] !== 'Active') {
throw new Error("Status is not Active");
let now = new Date();
if (new Date(adh['start_date']) > now) {
throw new Error("Start date is set in future");
if (new Date(adh['end_date']) < now) {
throw new Error("End date is set in past");
// Convert base64 encoded certificate to pem format.
function x5cToPem(x5cCert) {
const certDer = Buffer.from(x5cCert, 'base64');
const certAsn1 = forge.asn1.fromDer(certDer.toString('binary'));
const certPki = forge.pki.certificateFromAsn1(certAsn1);
return forge.pki.certificateToPem(certPki);
// Return hex (upcase) fingerprint for certificate
function fingerprint(base64Cert) {
// Step 1: Decode base64
const derBuffer = Buffer.from(base64Cert, 'base64');
// Step 2: Compute the SHA-256 hash of the DER-encoded certificate, and convert the hash to uppercase
return crypto.createHash('sha256').update(derBuffer).digest('hex').toUpperCase();
// check if root certificate is included in trusted list
function checkTrust(trustedList, certificate) {
let certFingerprint = fingerprint(certificate);
for(let i=0; i < trustedList.length; i++) {
let c = trustedList[i];
if(c.certificate_fingerprint == certFingerprint) {
return true;
return false;
// Verify whether the certificate chain is secure
function validateCertificateChain(trustedList, x5c) {
// validate the certificate chain (is it a chain? is the CA in our list of accepted associations?)
const certificates = => {
const certDer = forge.util.decode64(certBase64);
const asn1Obj = forge.asn1.fromDer(certDer);
return forge.pki.certificateFromAsn1(asn1Obj);
try {
for (let i = 0; i < certificates.length - 1; i++) {
const subjectCert = certificates[i];
const issuerCert = certificates[i + 1];
// Create a CA store with just the issuer certificate
const caStore = forge.pki.createCaStore([issuerCert]);
// Verify the current certificate against the issuer
const isValid = forge.pki.verifyCertificateChain(caStore, [subjectCert]);
if (!isValid) {
console.error(`Certificate ${i} failed to validate against its issuer.`);
return false;
// Optionally, verify that the root certificate is self-signed
const rootCert = certificates[certificates.length - 1];
if (!rootCert.verify(rootCert)) {
console.error('Root certificate is not self-signed.');
return false;
let rootCertX5c = x5c[x5c.length-1];
return checkTrust(trustedList, rootCertX5c);
} catch (err) {
console.error('Error during certificate chain validation:', err.message);
return false;
// Check if single use token is known, and then delete it.
function checkToken(token, tokenList) {
let tokenData = tokenList[token];
if(tokenData) {
delete tokenList[token];
if(tokenData.expiresAt >= new Date()) {
return tokenData.clientId;
throw new Error("")
Consumer makes call without pre-authorization
As Data Consumer, call the API of a Service Provider without being pre-authorized by an Authorization Registry. It is recommended to check the adherence status of the Service Provider first with the Association Register. The Service Provider may try to obtain authorization at a Authorization Register, or it may try to authorize you in an ad hoc way.
let party = lookupParty(SP_EORI, YOUR_CLIENT_EORI);
let tokenSpUrl = ''; // NOTE define the url of the Service Provider's /connect/token endpoint here
bearerToken = await accessToken(SP_EORI, tokenSpUrl, YOUR_CLIENT_EORI);
const headersApi = {
"accept": "application/json",
"Authorization": "Bearer " + bearerToken
// Make actual API request without delegation token
let spApiUrl = 'https://service-provider/api'; // NOTE: Example definition, adjust as needed
let body = {}; // or the correct body data as per your API requirement
response = await, body, headersApi);
Consumer makes call with pre-authorization
As Data Consumer, call the API of a Service Provider while being pre-authorized by an Authorization Registry, which means having received a Delegation Evidence JWT. You’ll need to look up the details of the Authorization Register (id and URL) in the Association Register.
let party = lookupParty(SP_EORI, YOUR_CLIENT_EORI);
const {arEori, tokenArUrl, delegationArUrl} = extractAuthRegisterFromParty(party);
bearerToken = await accessToken(arEori, tokenArUrl, YOUR_CLIENT_EORI);
const policy = {
"target": {
"resource": {
"type": "text",
"identifiers": [ "text" ],
"attributes": [ "text" ]
"actions": [ "text" ]
"rules": [ { "effect": "text" } ]
let delegationRequest = {
"policyIssuer": "text",
"target": { "accessSubject": "text" },
"policySets": [ { "policies": [ policy ] } ]
let delegationToken = fetchDelegationEvidence(delegationArUrl, delegationRequest, bearerToken);
let tokenSpUrl = ''; // NOTE define the url of the Service Provider's /connect/token endpoint here
bearerToken = await accessToken(SP_EORI, tokenSpUrl, YOUR_CLIENT_EORI);
const headersApi = {
"accept": "application/json",
"Authorization": "Bearer " + bearerToken,
"DelegationEvidence": delegationToken
// Make actual API call with delegation evidence token
let spApiUrl = 'https://service-provider/api'; // Example definition, adjust as needed
response = await, body, { headers: headersApi });
Provider is called without pre-authorization
As Service Provider, handle an authenticated call by a Data Consumer which does not include pre-authorization. The provider will need to perform authorization manually, or contact an Authorization Registry.
// After a user has made a http request for the token, extract the client assertion and call this function.
// This function will either return a bearer authorization token that can be used once
// within the configured expiration date, or throw an error.
async function token(clientAssertionJWT) {
// decode JWT
const { header, payload } = decodeJWT(clientAssertionJWT);
const x5c = header["x5c"];
const clientId = payload["iss"];
// validate the client assertion (is it addressed to us? it is not expired?)
const audience = payload["aud"];
const jwtCreatedAt = new Date(1000 * payload["iat"]);
const jwtExpiresAt = new Date(1000 * payload["exp"]);
const now = new Date();
if (jwtCreatedAt > now) {
throw new Error("iat value set in future");
if (jwtExpiresAt < now) {
throw new Error("JWT is expired");
if (audience !== YOUR_SP_EORI) {
throw new Error('Wrong audience');
// validate the signature (we check with the first certificate in the x5c chain)
jwt.verify(clientAssertionJWT, x5cToPem(x5c[0]));
// validate the certificate chain (is it a chain? is the CA in our list of accepted associations?)
let bearerToken = await accessToken(ASSOC_EORI, tokenUrlAssoc, YOUR_SP_EORI);
const authenticatedHeader = {
"accept": "application/json",
"Authorization": "Bearer " + bearerToken
let response = await axios.get(trustedUrlAssoc, { headers: authenticatedHeader, params: {} });
const trustedList = decodeJWT(;
if (!validateCertificateChain(trustedList, x5c)) {
throw new Error("Certificate chain invalid");
// contact the association register to see if the client is still in good standing
let party = lookupParty(clientId, YOUR_SP_EORI);
// check adherence of client
// generate a token and store it with the expiration date and the client id
let uuid = uuidv4();
let expiresAt = new Date(new Date().getTime() + 30000);
tokenList[uuid] = { clientId: clientId, expiresAt: expiresAt };
// return the token
return uuid;
let party = lookupParty(SP_EORI, YOUR_SP_EORI);
const {arEori, tokenArUrl, _delegationArUrl} = extractAuthRegisterFromParty(party);
bearerToken = await accessToken(arEori, tokenArUrl, YOUR_SP_EORI);
// This should be customized based on the actual API call of the Service Provider
function createDelegationMask(request) {
const policy = {
"target": {
"resource": {
"type": "text",
"identifiers": [ "text" ],
"attributes": [ "text" ]
"actions": [ "text" ]
"rules": [ { "effect": "text" } ]
let delegationRequest = {
"policyIssuer": "text",
"target": { "accessSubject": "text" },
"policySets": [ { "policies": [ policy ] } ]
return delegationRequest;
async function callApi(token, request) {
checkToken(token, tokenList);
let delegationRequest = createDelegationMask(request);
let party = lookupParty(SP_EORI, YOUR_SP_EORI);
const {arEori, tokenArUrl, delegationArUrl} = extractAuthRegisterFromParty(party);
let bearerToken = await accessToken(arEori, tokenArUrl, YOUR_SP_EORI);
let delegationToken = fetchDelegationEvidence(delegationArUrl, delegationRequest, bearerToken);
checkDelegationToken(delegationToken); // implement this to see if you have received authorization
performApiCall(request); // implement the actual API call here
Provider is called with pre-authorization
As Service Provider, handle an authenticated call by a Data Consumer which includes pre-authorization. The provider will need to check whether the pre-authorization is valid and compatible with the action.
// After a user has made a http request for the token, extract the client assertion and call this function.
// This function will either return a bearer authorization token that can be used once
// within the configured expiration date, or throw an error.
async function token(clientAssertionJWT) {
// decode JWT
const decodedJWT = decodeJWTWithHeader(clientAssertionJWT);
const header = decodedJWT['header'];
const payload = decodedJWT['payload'];
const x5c = header["x5c"];
const clientId = payload["iss"];
// validate the client assertion (is it addressed to us? it is not expired?)
const audience = payload["aud"];
const jwtCreatedAt = new Date(1000 * payload["iat"]);
const jwtExpiresAt = new Date(1000 * payload["exp"]);
const now = new Date();
if (jwtCreatedAt > now) {
throw new Error("iat value set in future");
if (jwtExpiresAt < now) {
throw new Error("JWT is expired");
if (audience !== YOUR_SP_EORI) {
throw new Error('Wrong audience');
// validate the signature (we check with the first certificate in the x5c chain)
jwt.verify(clientAssertionJWT, x5cToPem(x5c[0]));
// validate the certificate chain (is it a chain? is the CA in our list of accepted associations?)
let bearerToken = await accessToken(ASSOC_EORI, tokenUrlAssoc, YOUR_SP_EORI);
const authenticatedHeader = {
"accept": "application/json",
"Authorization": "Bearer " + bearerToken
let response = await axios.get(trustedUrlAssoc, { headers: authenticatedHeader, params: {} });
const trustedList = decodeJWT(;
if (!validateCertificateChain(trustedList, x5c)) {
throw new Error("Certificate chain invalid");
// contact the association register to see if the client is still in good standing
// first, get a token
bearerToken = await accessToken(ASSOC_EORI, tokenUrlAssoc, YOUR_SP_EORI);
// then, make the parties call
const headersParties = { "accept": "application/json", "Authorization": "Bearer " + bearerToken };
let partiesResponse = await axios.get(partiesUrlAssoc + '/' + clientId, { headers: headersParties, params: {} });
let partyToken =['party_token'];
let party = decodeJWT(partyToken)["payload"]["party_info"];
// check adherence of client
// generate a token and store it with the expiration date and the client id
let uuid = uuidv4();
let expiresAt = new Date(new Date().getTime() + 30000);
tokenList[uuid] = { clientId: clientId, expiresAt: expiresAt };
// return the token
return uuid;
function callApi(token, delegationToken, request) {
checkToken(token, tokenList);
checkDelegationEvidence(delegationToken, request);
Provider is called without external authorization
As Service Provider, handle an authenticated call by a Data Consumer which does not include pre-authorization. The provider must perform authorization manually.
// After a user has made a http request for the token, extract the client assertion and call this function.
// This function will either return a bearer authorization token that can be used once
// within the configured expiration date, or throw an error.
async function token(clientAssertionJWT) {
// decode JWT
const decodedJWT = decodeJWT(clientAssertionJWT);
const header = decodedJWT['header'];
const payload = decodedJWT['payload'];
const x5c = header["x5c"];
const clientId = payload["iss"];
// validate the client assertion (is it addressed to us? it is not expired?)
const audience = payload["aud"];
const jwtCreatedAt = new Date(1000 * payload["iat"]);
const jwtExpiresAt = new Date(1000 * payload["exp"]);
const now = new Date();
if (jwtCreatedAt > now) {
throw new Error("iat value set in future");
if (jwtExpiresAt < now) {
throw new Error("JWT is expired");
if (audience !== YOUR_SP_EORI) {
throw new Error('Wrong audience');
// validate the signature (we check with the first certificate in the x5c chain)
jwt.verify(clientAssertionJWT, x5cToPem(x5c[0]));
// validate the certificate chain (is it a chain? is the CA in our list of accepted associations?)
let bearerToken = await accessToken(ASSOC_EORI, tokenUrlAssoc, YOUR_SP_EORI);
const authenticatedHeader = {
"accept": "application/json",
"Authorization": "Bearer " + bearerToken
let response = await axios.get(trustedUrlAssoc, { headers: authenticatedHeader, params: {} });
const trustedList = decodeJWT(;
if (!validateCertificateChain(trustedList, x5c)) {
throw new Error("Certificate chain invalid");
// contact the association register to see if the client is still in good standing
// first, get a token
bearerToken = await accessToken(ASSOC_EORI, tokenUrlAssoc, YOUR_SP_EORI);
// then, make the parties call
const headersParties = { "accept": "application/json", "Authorization": "Bearer " + bearerToken };
let partiesResponse = await axios.get(partiesUrlAssoc + '/' + clientId, { headers: headersParties, params: {} });
let partyToken =['party_token'];
let party = decodeJWT(partyToken).payload.party_info;
// check adherence of client
// generate a token and store it with the expiration date and the client id
let uuid = uuidv4();
let expiresAt = new Date(new Date().getTime() + 30000);
tokenList[uuid] = { clientId: clientId, expiresAt: expiresAt };
// return the token
return uuid;
function callApi(token, request) {
let clientId = checkToken(token, tokenList);
// possibility to check if client is allowed to perform request in an ad hoc way.
// checkAuthorization(clientId, request);